Tuesday, May 22

The Unity of God and the Children

As conveyed by the wise and wonderful Shannon Rose.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy!
I am the power,
I am the intelligence,
I am the love,
I am the joy.
The earth turns on it's orbit for ME.
The oceans ebb and flow for ME.
The birds sing for ME.
The sun rises and it sets for ME.
The stars come out for ME.
Every beautiful thing I see, every wonderous thing I experience, is all there for ME.
None of it can exist without ME.
I am one with the Universe.
I am the heir to the kingdom.
I am the perfection of Life.


Allie said...

hey, i think i read that somewhere :)

Anonymous said...

More simply said,
tat avam asi

christelpistol said...

i so heart her!

Tasty said...

While it may be more simply said in three words (of a language most of us reading this blog don't know) I prefer the long version.

Anonymous said...

love you, face



Anonymous said...

would you like a translation?

Tasty said...

You said the post was the translation. I trusted that you were telling the truth. XO

Anonymous said...


Tasty said...

You said the post was the translation. I trusted that you were telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

well? XO.

Tasty said...

You said the post was the translation. I trusted that you were telling the truth.

Are you trying to tell me that the post is not the translation?

Anonymous said...

i thought you might be interested.

Anonymous said...

no tricks here. just truth.XOXO

Tasty said...

My understanding is that it translates "I am that I am," which is lovely on so many levels. Is that your understanding of the translation?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love that translation. My favorite is "thou art that".

Beth said...

Ohmygosh. Do I know Anonymous? Because I can't help but think that I do.

Allie said...

i an FILLED with the love of christ.

i am also filled with just a scooch too much cool whip.

Tasty said...

ROLLING under my desk laughing, Allie!

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