Wednesday, March 19

For Christel

Because she understands how hot I am. (Hot, not sexy, in this case. Just in this case.)

Here's a portion of a brilliant note to Mother Nature:

"You and I have had our differences before. As one who sweats profusely under certain conditions, such as sitting quietly at room temperature, I wasn't too wild about the summer of 2005. By late June I was technically classified as an estuary."

Click here for entire article.


Terri said...

OMFG. that guy is HILARIOUS!!!

christelpistol said...

the episode of WnG last night... where Grace gets Will that "Personal Cooling System, because i am always the perfect temperature and you are always FREAKISHLY hot!" made me think of you.

"it will freeze your nipples off. and look, there is a spare pair IN the box!"

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