Thursday, April 24

Life in the ATL, or Atlanta for us white chicks.

I'm in Marietta, GA with two of my favorite wimmins -- Lola and Allie (the hairbanger.)

Bangin' Lola's hayers:


Finish product of my banged my hayers (I'm blond again!):

Then, we had margaritas. See Lo's finished hayers and Allie's HAWT 'do:

Here's a preview of our concert experience. We sang along with Mraz. Mraz, the one I've adored since one of my first 5 or 6 posts.

Must go now. More lolling to do.

Saturday, April 19

Brand Equity

Brand Equity

According to Wikipedia (which, incidentally, j'a-DORE), Brand equity refers to the marketing effects or outcomes that accrue to a product with its brand name compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name. That is, when people think of coffee, they also think of Starbucks. (Sorry Christel.)

I wanted to announce that I have spectacular brand equity. Spectacular, I tell you!

At the beginning of 2008, I took over my new job as a marketing editor. I love this job. I've long said I only care about people and words -- and I'm pretty serious about that. This job is people and words: charming people into making decisions and seeing things a certain way, then making it linguistically perfect. Nice! It's also fantastically overwhelming, and very nearly impossible to actually accomplish all the projects we have going on, due to volume alone. Prima donna personalities notwithstanding.

I say all that to say this: all my colleagues are new to me. And yet they know exactly who I am. It's strange and unbelievably cool.

The colleagues I'm making friends with (nearly all of them, as they are awesome women!) are constantly saying things like, "Stacey, I thought of you this weekend when I was shopping, I saw something you'd love..." and it's always something I'd love. Something shiny, or sparkling, or literature-related, or maybe it's a tiara. Nancy calls me The Glitteratti. BWAHAHAHA! This cracks me up to no end. I always knew I was obvious and, shall we say, ridiculously transparent. But I never thought of this as a good or even a funny thing. And now, I have a marketing term to describe this little phenomenon that makes me laugh.

I have spectacular brand equity. Thinking of glitter? Think of me.

Friday, April 18

Earthquake Update

This morning, around 5:30 EDT, there was a 5.2 earthquake at the Wabash fault (a northern branch of the New Madrid).

My VBF woke to feel her house shaking and hear the window rattling, and she lives about five hours north of the epicenter.

My colleague Nancy, a former resident of Los Angeles, popped out of bed and headed for a door frame, to protect herself from falling objects. (The Fig and I learned the same technique while attending elementary school in the Bay Area.)

The Hairbanger called to make sure I was OK after the quake. I assured her I was.

I had slept through the whole thing.

Wednesday, April 2

Best LOLcat e-var.

humorous pictures
see more crazy cat pics

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