Tuesday, January 8

Cartoon of myself

When I mentioned that something turns me into a "cartoon of myself," my darling Terri piped up with, "I envision a large Portuguese female superhero, named Estacey del las Flamencos, with a pink satin cape and a tiara, whapping the ignorant with her scepter of justice."

Is perfection, no?


Allie said...

get her to do me next.

no, really.

Beth said...


Terri said...

Actually, I think the Numbers could be an entire superhero genre. I mean really, wouldn't Hairbanger make a fabulous heroine? Someone who swoops in with her Supertools of Style and saves the world from hideous hair? Can we use a few more H's for alliteration? How about this for a headline: "Hottie Hairbanger, Heroine of Hair, has Halved the Heinous Hair of Henna'd Horror! Hallelujah!"

Tenacious B said...

Alliteration overload!

And seriously, I can SO see you doing a beatdown on everyone you see with a mullet.

P.S. You've been TAGGED!

christelpistol said...


Terri said...

Madame le Christel, I would happily turn you into a Numbers Superhero, but I don't have access to your blog so as to get a feel for your special superpower. I'm just sayin'.

christelpistol said...

Ms. T... email me at christelpistol@gmail.com

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