Friday, February 24

A few words about American Idol.

I'm with Christelicious. I heart Taylor Hicks, too. He is so verah talented and passionate! (The very same characteristics I find so attractive in my veryownpersonal loved ones, even.)

The Fig lurves Paris Bennett -- I still haven't seen her perform. But she loves her princess crown and Sponge Bob and sings Billie Holiday, so she can't be all bad, right?

Mandisa has the smile of Helen. Damn, girl could launch a thousand ships. Haven't heard her sing, either! But I hear the following things: She has the voice of a goddess, and her ass is big. How dare she! I mean, how DARE a contestant look like the general populace (except also have a gorgeous complexion, beautiful hair, and the aforementioned smile.)

Simon, you're a funny little man, aren't you? Be careful, I hear fat is contageous. And is a clear indication that you're less talented than the thin, and the British.

And, finally, I can't believe I'm watching the damn thing. GAH!

Happy Weekend!


christelpistol said...

i DO heart him!!!!!

and Mandisa could SO be a Number.

MajorMike said...

Still haven't watched. Except one time in San Jose when we were forced to by the neices.

Tasty said...

Hi Inkster. That dude above you is my Dad. ;-) No, really. He is.

christelpistol said...

that string of comments was hysterical.


Katy said...

Chris made me want a cold shower and then Ace melted my butter. Holy Moly.
And I love the whipersnappers this year: Paris and that tiny little Lisa. I like the Catherine girl too but she should not try to dance unless she is trying out for the comedy out-takes.

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